KRISO Launches Renewable Energy-Based Coastal Passenger Ship Efficiency Improvement Project
▶ KRISO held a commencement report meeting for the performance verification platform of renewable energy-based propulsion assistance systems
▶ KRISO will take the lead in improving the eco-friendliness of the shipping industry through various renewable energy systems such as magnetic bearing-based rotor sails
▶ KRISO showcased key technologies such as a 100 kW hydrogen fuel cell independently developed in Korea
□ The Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO, President Keyyong Hong) announced that it held the ‘Steel Cutting Ceremony for Renewable Energy Demonstration Platform and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Demonstration’ in Yeongam, Jeonnam on November 7.
□ The recently commenced 'Renewable Energy Demonstration Platform' is part of a research program to develop technologies to increase the energy efficiency of coastal ships by utilizing renewable energy. It is a demonstration ship that can test and verify various renewable energy technologies for small and medium-sized coastal passenger ships in an actual ship operating environment.
□ In order to achieve marine carbon neutrality, KRISO is developing various renewable energy-based technologies specialized for coastal passenger ships, including: △ magnetic bearing-based rotor sails, △ customized wind power auxiliary prototype systems (wing sails, kites, etc.), △ other power generation auxiliary systems that can supply power when ships are at anchor (solar panels, hybrid small wind turbines), and △ 100 kW hydrogen fuel cells developed solely with Korean technologies, in cooperation with local companies and universities.
□ In particular, the magnetic bearing-based rotor sail is the world's first technology for significantly improving the stability of ship operation and the durability of propulsion auxiliary prototype systems by overcoming the problems of the existing mechanical bearing method, such as wear, vibration, and noise, by using the principle of magnetic levitation. It is drawing considerable attention as the technology development process is being shared with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and relevant patents have been registered in Korea and Japan. The performance evaluation of this technology is scheduled to be completed by 2026.
□ In addition, a 100 kW hydrogen fuel cell to be applied to the verification platform was also demonstrated at this event. The hydrogen fuel cell (PEM)* has been developed by a local company in Korea, and local small and medium-sized enterprises, KRISO, Classification societies, and the government are working together to promote localization and commercialization of the technology, and it is thus considered a technology that can dominate and lead the new eco-friendly ship market in the future.
* PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane)
□ The demonstration platform, which will begin to be subjected to full-scale construction through this commencement report meeting, is scheduled to be completed in 2025 after undergoing hull T/O and classification hull inspection. Thereafter, it is expected to play a pivotal role in enhancing the eco-friendliness of coastal passenger ships by demonstrating various renewable energy-based propulsion auxiliary technologies in the region of Mokpo, Jeonnam.
□ Kang Hee-jin, the head of KRISO’s Eco-friendly Ocean Development Research Division, who oversees the R&D, said, “The demonstration platform is essential for the development of future eco-friendly ship propulsion technologies using renewable energy and for the standardization of technologies through international joint research.” Kang added, “We will do our best to ensure that the process of realizing carbon neutrality for coastal passenger ships can lead to the development of cutting-edge eco-friendly technologies by local companies and their entry into the global market.”
□ With the support of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the municipal governments of Jeonnam and Mokpo, KRISO has been developing various technologies utilizing renewable energy in order to improve the efficiency of coastal ships since 2022. Through this, KRISO plans to do its best to strengthen the international competitiveness of Korea’s shipping industry and achieve the goal of marine carbon neutrality.